
Böse Buben e.V.
Sachsendamm 76 - 77
10829 Berlin Schöneberg

+49 (30) 62 70 76 10

opening hrs (Start - End)
Wednesday 16:00 - 23:00
Thursday 19:00 - 01:00
Friday 20:00 - 02:00
Saturday 20:00 - 03:00
Sunday 15:00 - variable

Art in building: Play Boys

The Berlin photographer Jan Großer,has already taken in 2014 under the title "Play Boys" a series of motifs that not only more than live up to the title, but also the offer in our house. When you visit our bar, you can also see them up close. We thank Jan for his permanent loan!

Art on building: Quickshare

Under the title "Quickshare" the Berlin artist, Wolf von Waldow has designed the privacy window films for us. They prevent the neighborhood from looking into our club and possibly taking offense. The connoisseur will find hints of our guests and their preferences in the detailed motifs.

Art in building: ICONS

The Berlin artist, Wolf von Waldow, also designed the icons that we have already been successfully using in our print advertising since 2019. After the renewed renovation in early 2022, it was obvious to use part of these icons also as wall design in the club. Easily recognizable, they stand for almost everything that the Böse Buben e.V. has to offer.

Art in the building: Neon picture by OlgaAkbal

We have the artist OlgaAkbal to thank for the neon picture in the sports room, which was first shown in the legendary KitKat club on Glogauer Strasse in Berlin and later in the Reizbar. We are proud to be able to present this work of art in our premises!